At the end of every year for anyone usually it's a stressful time with holidays, family visits, parties to attend and money to spend on gifts. It's rough.
For me, work is at it's busiest from September through February every single year I've been with my company. This year we have the biggest billing disaster I've experienced with my company and it's been enough stress to have me take a month off. In lieu of these stressful times in and out of work, I've been trying to work on things to help keep me sane.
I read an article a few years back that when the economy went to crap back in 2008/2009 that sales of makeup went up. In particular, makeup sales went up.
While finding a way to stay sane during these difficult times and year end madness, I've come to find that besides yoga and running, makeup has been some sort of relaxing release for me.
For about 2 months now, I've been waking up just a touch earlier every morning to fix my hair and makeup every day before work. They say you should "Dress for Success" and I'm a firm believer in that. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

I really enjoy putting makeup on every day cause it's a great form of artistic expression. When I catch myself in the mirror even when work is hard, if I see my makeup looks nice I somehow automatically feel better. It may sound silly but I'll even take a second to touch up my makeup throughout the day just to have some personal time to be artistic. Having my degree in Studio Art makes it hard to be inspired by day to day responsibilities and in finding a minute or two a day to do something I love, whether that's make-up, painting, or painting my nails seems to always be what makes me happy.
My Grandma just recently passed away at 89 years old and she was still getting her hair done, drawing her eyebrows in and getting her acrylic nails done the entire time. These are the things that made her happy, the things that made her feel pretty.
At the end of the day it's about finding what makes you smile, what keeps you calm and what keeps you happy. As long as you never give up on the little things that do that for you, you're golden.
Life is too short not to do what makes you happy.
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